Man Injecting His Biceps With Homemade Muscle Builder Might Lose His Arms

A 21-year-old Russian ex-soldier wanted to bulk up his biceps so he decided to inject himself with a homemade potion, but now he says that his "bazooka arms are about to fall off." 

Kirill Tereshin wrote the note about his Popeye-like arms on Instagram, but added that he still plans to continue using his muscle-building brew, which is made up of the numbing agent lidocaine, benzyl alcohol, and, coincidentally to fans of Popeye, olive oil. 

He's been warned about paralysis, but that's not the worst of it - doctors say he is also at risk of needing his arms amputated or worse, he could suffer a stroke.

Even though his arms looked discolored in recent images, Kirill wants to keep going until his 23-inch biceps are 27 inches. At that point, he wants to "improve" his back, his chest and his shoulders. 

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